UX/UI, Concept and
Brandidentity for kymtrcs

Group 2

The idea of kymtrcs is to screen the most relevant startup news to extract the key metrics and categorize them into Finance, Marketing/Sales and Growth.


We were integrated in the core team with the founder, Tim Jaudszims.

We were attending the whole concept process and helped to make the final product.


There is a lot of functionality in every metric. So the task was to get this

Home animation bis comments

Screen Home

To maximize the input, the metrics can be added by the crowd.

Then we add the magic: One metric is great. But often correlations between two or more metrics tell the real story!

Group 3

Spotify had a conversion rate of 25% from free to premium customers in 2014

kymtrcs is not only collecting data, it´s generating unique information, visualized in a beautiful way.

Startup Profil. Die so erfassten Daten werden auf den Profilen zu jedem Startup visualisiert.

Screen Startup

Evernote user growth compared with Slack and company

Screen Follower
iPad User

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+49 (0) 1772897086

Lederhosen für´s anstehende Oktoberfest ;)